Thursday, July 3, 2014

Case Study No. 1418: Miggim

Let's Play - Ultima VII: Serpent Isle - 14
We explore the Sleeping Bull...
Tags: lets play ultima isle avatar guardian origin rpg britannia lord british richard garriott batlin warren spector ethicality discipline logic tolerance enthusiasm emotion order chaos balance harmony dedication rationality silver seed serpent
Added: 1 year ago
From: GameHorder
Views: 340

[the player enters the Inn of the Sleeping Bull, where a monk (brown hair, blue eyes, goatee, black robe) is sitting at one of the tables]
PLAYER: A moment, monk!
MIGGIM: Yes, my son?
[the monk stands up and addresses the player and his party]
MIGGIM: My name is Miggim. I am the librarian on Monk Isle. I have been awaiting thine arrival ...
[the player selects "Librarian"]
MIGGIM: Tis my duty to transcribe and care for the prophecies of Xenka. It was I that found the passages that told of thy coming.
[the player selects "Monk Isle"]
MIGGIM: Monk Isle is where the followers of Xenka dwell, Avatar. Only a few believers remain to study and contemplate the mystery of her words. Few are now willing to devote their life to waiting on events that may take centuries to unfold. Faith is not an easy thing ...
[the player selects "Arrival"]
MIGGIM: Yes, Avatar, 'tis written that a hero from another world will come to right the disorder in our land. That is thee ... 'Tis also written that treachery will stalk thy steps at the beginning of thy quest. That is why I am here. Not all of Xenka's followers believe that we should take direct action in aiding thee. However, Thoxa and I disagree.
[the player selects "Aid"]
MIGGIM: I must be cautious in aiding thee, milord. But rest assured that I will prompt thee as much as possible.
[the player selects "Action"]
MIGGIM: I believe that an attempt will be made on thy life soon. Perhaps, by being forewarned, thou wilt be able to avoid it. I cannot tell thee who to avoid here, Avatar. I arrived here only a few days ago and have remained in the barn for much of the time. I thought it wise to attract as little notice as possible. But, now that thou art here, feel assured that I will remain vigilant against anything that would deter thee from thy destiny.
[the player selects "Amulet of Balance"]
MIGGIM: It was quite a find, milord! I have been uncovering many small things over the years in the passages beneath the abbey. But this is the first time I have found something as large as a chest. It was a pity that the scroll that accompanied the Amulet was so fragile. It was one of the oldest I have yet found. All I was able to make out before it disintegrated was the name of the amulet and that it was used near the Serpent gates. Perhaps this means that there is more yet to be discovered. I shall certainly continue my search.
[the player selects "Xenka"]
MIGGIM: She was a very wise woman, milord. She foretold the storms that brought thee to our land, and saw the end of the world. Those who believed in her visions banded together to study her words so that we might help avert the fate she foresaw.
[the player selects "End of the world"]
MIGGIM: Within Xenka's holy writings is the passage ... "When at last the great scales unhinge, the overburdened world shall be torn asunder by the opposing forces."
[the player selects "Opposing forces"]
MIGGIM: I know not ... Though I would hazard a guess that it refers to the forces of good and evil.
[the player selects "Great scales"]
MIGGIM: It could mean anything, Avatar. Music scales, map scales, snake scales, or weight scales ...
[the player selects "Destiny"]
MIGGIM: I am not in power to tell thee more of the quest that lies before thee. If I were to tell thee, thou mightest be prejudiced by my words and overlook a crucial event.
[the player selects "Passage"]
MIGGIM: Alas, Xenka's writings follow no order and are convoluted and vague. We have spent the years since her disappearance trying to decide if some passage hath already happened or if one event will follow another.
[the player selects "Event"]
MIGGIM: The events in the prophecies are wild and connected by no frame that we have been able to discover. Great storms, the containers of hope smashed, lost love forgiven and restored ... we still seek their meanings.
[the player selects "Disappearance"]
MIGGIM: Xenka was not a young woman, Avatar. After she disappeared from our midst, we found a freshly-inked passage that promised her return when the end was near. I always thought that she had discovered some way to ensure that she would live to see her prophecies revealed. Though I know not how.
[the player selects "Bye"]
MIGGIM: Fare thee well!



Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle is a role-playing video game released in 1993 as part of the core Ultima series, its story beginning eighteen months after the conclusion of Ultima VII Part One: The Black Gate. (The storyline of the spin-off game Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds takes place in the time between the two parts of Ultima VII, beginning on the first anniversary of the conclusion of Ultima VII Part One.)

In Serpent Isle, the Avatar follows Batlin to the eponymous land called Serpent Isle, finding three city-states founded by those who left Britannia generations before and ancient ruins from a still-older lost civilization that was there long before them.

This is the first game in the main Ultima series to completely take place outside Britannia as it has been known since Ultima III. It is also more linear than the earlier parts - unlike the earlier games, where the order in which quests were completed was of little concern, the new approach makes it possible to give the game a more carefully plotted storyline, while at the same time somewhat limiting the player's choice.[1] Additionally, there are few optional sub-quests; every objective somehow ties into the main quest.

Unlike the four previous Ultimas, the companions do not take issue with theft or murder. The only punishment for such behavior is if characters outside the party witness it. As the world of Serpent Isle does not emphasize the virtues the way Britannia does, guards will sometimes ask for bribes from the Avatar, if the player is caught stealing or murdering; bribing the guards was last possible in the game Ultima III.

Since most of the game's code was recycled from The Black Gate, it was decided not to call it Ultima VIII; Richard Garriott had stated in interviews around 1988 that no two Ultimas shared the same source code, unlike the then-competing The Bard's Tale series, and he may have felt bound by this statement.



Miggim is one of the Xenkan Monks. He is the librarian on Monk Isle.

The Avatar first met him in Ultima VII Part Two in the Inn of the Sleeping Bull. Since all of the Monks had teleport powers, it was unknown why he was there. However, while he avoided telling the Avatar too much (not yet the right time), he did warn the hero that there would be a future assassination attempt - which later proved true when Selina double-crossed the Avatar.

Miggim was later found on Monk Isle, where he finally spoke about his job as the librarian and that it included transcribing books. He went quite into detail about some of Xenka's prophecies of the Avatar's arrival and the end of the world - although he admitted that most of the prophecies were hard to understand, thanks to the meddling of his predecessors.

Miggim also openly admitted that he was on Thoxa's side; like her, he felt that more direct action was needed.

Later, after receiving the Amulet of Balance from Karnax, Miggim told the Avatar how he'd found it in the cellars and that the instruction scroll sadly hadn't survived the years. However, he had found the hint to use it on a Serpent Gate.

Quotes about Miggim
"Miggim is by nature a quiet young man, not given to impetuousness. He is ideally suited to be our librarian. His greatest desire is to be helpful, as well as ordered. In fact, it was he who divined the passage that foretold of thy coming. He hath taken the chaos of our library and turned it into a vastly more organized area. In fact, I believe that we have the most concise collection of Ophidian books and scrolls that still exists. Of course, it helps that we have the Lens of Translating." -- Karnax

"While searching for more materials for the library, Miggim discovered an ancient chest in the passages beneath our abbey, near the Serpent gate. Within this chest was a strange amulet and a scrap of decaying scroll. The scroll indicated that this is the Amulet of Balance. It is our thought that this amulet was meant for thee, Avatar. I shall caution thee that we do not know what powers it has, for the scroll disintegrated before Miggim could fully translate it. But I am certain it is connected to the Serpent ruins in some manner. Perhaps if thou dost use it near the Serpent gate thou wilt trigger its power." -- Karnax

"Over the years we have gathered many books and scrolls that we thought would help us give light to the meaning within Xenka's prophecies. Only recently hath Miggim undertaken the task of trying to set the library to rights. It is he that helps any visitors that come to us seeking information." -- Thoxa



A light drizzle accompanies the party on the road to the Sleeping Bull Inn. Strangely, I've never seen it not raining when I first arrive here, no matter when during the day I come by. I think it's just scripted to start a rainstorm when you approach the Inn for the first time, which kind of gives you a sense of it being dreary. Drives you in out of the rain and all.

I just want to point this out, since we're not used to it: Most of the people here aren't jerks. At least not to us. Some of them aren't even jerks at all. This may shock you a little.


In the center commons are the more intriguing patrons of the Sleeping Bull Inn: Ensorcio, an exiled mage, and the Moonshade merchant Flindo, who is the cause of the whole Captain Hawk fiasco. Also sometimes present is a monk named Miggim, who tells you to hurry on to Monk Isle as soon as you can. I never really understood why Miggim was there, but he appears again when we actually reach Monk Isle, so we'll deal with him then. Nothing he says right now is particularly important.

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