Friday, November 30, 2012

Case Study No. 0674: Ellen Talbot and Ezra Knutson

Wishbone: Pantin at the Opera 1/2
Story: Phantom of the Opera
Contemporary Story: Books start disappearing at the local library after the kids meet the supposedly dead former librarian.

Tags: wishbone
Added: 1 year ago
From: 90sProject
Views: 9,730

[Joe and his friends (along with Wishbone) enter the Henderson Memorial Public Library, as Wishbone is pulling on his leash in anticipation]
WISHBONE: Hey, come on! Come on!
JOE: Hey, take it easy, Wishbone ...
[he lets go of the leash, as Wishbone rests his paws on a nearby bookcart]
WISHBONE: Take it easy? We're in the library! Just look at all these books! All these stories!
[they walk up to the reference desk, where Joe's mother is talking to some other female librarians]
JOE: Hi mom.
ELLEN: Oh, hi Joe. Hi guys. What brings you here?
WISHBONE: A leash, Ellen. How'd you get here?
JOE: We're doing a report on the history of rock and roll, for music class. What's going on?
ELLEN: Well ... look!
[she shows them a magazine article from "Libraries of the Future, Special Report" which features her picture (with the tagline "Ellen Talbot, creator of a computerized reference book index") and the headline "A Reference Librarian who recognized the need for computer speed"]
SAM: Hey, that's you!
DAVID: Cool!
ELLEN: It's in the latest library monthly, we didn't even know it was in here.
JOE: What's it about?
ELLEN: Oh, it's about the reference catalog I've been computerizing, and a lotta libraries wanna use it, so I'm--
DAVID: A star!
ELLEN: Well ...
[she laughs]
JOE: That's great, mom!
ELLEN: Thanks ...
[she looks down and notices Wishbone]
ELLEN: Uh, Joe, you know dogs aren't allowed in the library.
[cut to a closeup of Wishbone, as he lies down]
WISHBONE: Mm-hmm, and they wonder why so few of us read.
JOE: It's supposed to rain, mom. I had to bring him in.
ELLEN: Oh, alright. Just keep him in control ... Why don't you go over to the music section? I'll be there to help you in just a minute.
JOE: Thanks, mom.
ELLEN: Okay.
SAM: Thanks, Misses Talbot.
[they turn to leave, but David stops]
DAVID: Um, can I have your autograph?
[she laughs, as Joe grabs him by the backpack]
JOE: Come on, David!
[cut to the children alone in the stacks (where the ominous shadow of a figure can be seen slowly approaching them), as Wishbone is sitting and staring at one of the shelves]
WISHBONE: Wow, lookit this! They have books on everything here!
[the dog stares at the spine title of one book]
WISHBONE: Hm, "A Guide to Flowers" ... wow!
[it looks at another book]
WISHBONE: "The Language of Birds" ... cool!
[it looks at another book]
WISHBONE: "How to Photograph a Mold" ... ewww.
[cut to Sam, as she joins her friends]
SAM: Nothing over there ... Any luck over here?
JOE: We'll have to wait until my mom helps us find it.
[cut to another shot of the shadow as it gets closer]
DAVID: [from off camera] Yeah, if she has any time for us now that she's a big star ...
[cut to another shot of the kids, with their backs to the camera]
MR. KNUTSON: [from off camera] May I help you kids find something?
[they all turn, startled, as the camera reveals that the shadow was actually that of an elderly man wearing glasses]
MR. KNUTSON: You look like you're searching for something.
[Joe gives him an apprehensive look]
JOE: Well, we're doing a report on the history of rock and roll ...
MR. KNUTSON: Well, you've come to the right place.
[he walks up to one of the shelves]
MR. KNUTSON: Here you are. Twenty two books. Make sure you read a book or two about blues and country music. Every history has its history too.
DAVID: Uh, thanks Mister ...
MR. KNUTSON: Knutson. I'm Mister Knutson, the reference librarian.
[he turns and walks away]
DAVID: Well, he seemed pretty nice ...
WISHBONE: Oh yeah, in a nice ... creepy kinda way.
JOE: But that's weird. He can't be the reference librarian.
SAM: Why not? He seemed to know exactly where the books were.
JOE: Yeah, but there's only one reference librarian here. That's my mom.
DAVID: Hmm. Well, where'd he go?
SAM: I dunno, let's go find him.
[they search through the stacks, but come up empty]
SAM: How could that be? He just--
DAVID: Disappeared.
WISHBONE: Wow, the library's haunted! By a nice old man who reads a lot!


[the kids are at Joe's house, telling Ellen about their experience with the mysterious reference librarian]
ELLEN: Are you sure he said his name was Mister Knutson?
JOE: Yes mom, that's what he said.
ELLEN: Well, that's just not possible.
SAM: Why not?
ELLEN: Well, Mister Ezra Knutson was the reference librarian at the Oakdale Library over ten years ago. He's the man who invented the cataloging system I was telling you about.
DAVID: The one you're putting on the computer.
ELLEN: That's the one. That's his system, updated.
JOE: Maybe he stopped by to congratulate you.
DAVID: Yeah, now that you're famous and all.
ELLEN: No, he retired years ago and then he moved to Florida.
JOE: So he's back for a visit. Why do you keep saying that it couldn't be him?
WISHBONE: Yeah, give us one good reason.
ELLEN: Joe, Ezra Knutson is dead.
WISHBONE: [pause] That's a good reason.
ELLEN: His wife sent a letter to the library a couple of weeks ago. I even sent her a card myself.
SAM: So, who was the man in the library?
ELLEN: Well, someone must've been playing a trick on you ... and one of Mister Knutson's index volumes was missing today, too. Must be some kind of a practical joke.
JOE: Mom, he seemed pretty serious.
[she pulls an old newspaper clipping out of a folder and hands it to them]
ELLEN: Ah, here it is! Okay kids, have a look at the real Mister Knutson ...
[cut to a closeup of the article ("Reference Librarian to Retire") which has a picture of the same man, then cut to Joe with a stunned look on his face]
JOE: Mom, that's him.
ELLEN: [pause] Are you sure?
[he nods]
ELLEN: Well, that can't be!
[she takes back the article, then the phone rings and she answers it]
ELLEN: [into the phone] Hello?
[as she takes the call, the kids talk amongst themselves]
SAM: Maybe it was his ... ghost?
DAVID: Come on, there's gotta be some logical explanation for all of this.
WISHBONE: Hmm, he's not alive, but today he was very helpful ... Oh yeah, that's reasonable.
ELLEN: [into the phone] Okay, I'll be right there.
[she hangs up the phone, then turns to the kids]
ELLEN: That was the library. They said something strange happened, and they want me to come over immediately.
JOE: Let's go.
[they all get up and leave the room]
WISHBONE: Uh, hey Wishbone, wanna come along? Okay, sure!
[the dog jumps off the couch and follows them]
WISHBONE: There's a mystery to investigate, and I'm the dog to do it! Ha ha!


[they enter the library and head for the reference desk, as Ellen turns to Sam]
ELLEN: Maryann said I'd see it right away, whatever it is ...
[Ellen stops and looks at something off camera]
ELLEN: Oh no!
[cut to a closeup of the desk, as four large binders (with a space apparently empty) are sitting on a shelf behind the desk]
SAM: Well, what's wrong?
ELLEN: Remember I told you that Volume One of the index was missing this morning? Well, now Volume Two is gone!
DAVID: That's Mister Knutson's index, right?
ELLEN: That's right, and I haven't even put Volumes Four, Five, and Six on the computer yet ... I'm glad Maryann called.
[as she's talking, Joe is staring at something intently off camera]
JOE: Mom, I don't think that's why she called you.
ELLEN: Waddaya mean?
JOE: Look ...
[he reaches down and picks up the library monthly sitting on the desk, which now has her picture crossed out in red magic marker and large read letters covering the article]
ELLEN: [reading] "Give back what you have stolen! Abandon the project now!"
SAM: Who could've done this?
WISHBONE: Well, you know it wasn't a dog! We're not allowed in here ...
DAVID: Well, whoever it is, they'll be coming back.
ELLEN: How do you know?
DAVID: I mean, why didn't they steal all those books? That would stop your project.
SAM: Well, they probably couldn't carry 'em all at once.
JOE: So they'll be back ...
ELLEN: Well, whoever it is, they must have a key to the library, or else Maryann would've seen them leaving the front door with the book.
DAVID: Unless they don't use doors ... Oooooooh!
SAM: David, stop!
ELLEN: Well, y'know, I'm not gonna let myself be intimidated by this person.
JOE: What're you gonna do?
ELLEN: Well, I guess I'll have Maryann watch my desk for the rest of the day, and then when the library closes I'll guard the books. All night.
JOE: I'll stay here with you!
DAVID: Me too!
SAM: And me!
WISHBONE: Count me in, I love slumber parties! Who's bringing the snacks?
ELLEN: Well, that's really nice of you kids, but--
JOE: Mom, we're not going to leave you here all alone!
ELLEN: Well, I guess I can use all the help I can get ...
[cut to the library after hours, as Officer Krulla and Ellen's neighbor Wanda (dressed in black riot gear and surrounded by various security devices) have joined the group in their stakeout]
WANDA: Night vision binoculars, check! Fingerprinting kit, check! Flashlight, check!
WISHBONE: Wow, lookit all this stuff ... Wanda, did you bring a can opener?
ELLEN: I really appreciate you coming down to look after us, Officer Krulla.
KRULLA: Uh yeah, anytime ma'am. It's part'a the job ...
[he points to one of Wanda's security devices]
KRULLA: Now, what's this funny thing here for?
WANDA: Oh, that's a portable motion detector!
WANDA: We set up a couple'a these babies all around the perimeter, we'll know the minute that someone shows up! Oh, plus it's set to blink ... no siren. See, that way, he won't know that we know!
KRULLA: That's great! I gotta get me some'a these ...
WANDA: Oh, hey! Well, here's the magazine I ordered 'em from ...
[she holds up the magazine]
WANDA: "Home Detective Monthly" ... Take it!
KRULLA: Oh, ya mean it? Thanks!
WANDA: Yeah, sure sure! I got a whole stack of 'em ...
[as he looks through the magazine, the kids walk up to Ellen at the reference desk]
ELLEN: How you guys holdin' up?
JOE: Okay, mom. We just locked the doors.
ELLEN: Thanks.
DAVID: But if it's really a ghost, it won't matter whether the door's locked or not!
SAM: David!
ELLEN: Okay, in just a second, most of the lights will turn off automatically, so be prepared.
[the lights go out]
KRULLA: He's here!
WANDA: He found the fusebox! How diabolically clever!
ELLEN: Uh, that's the automatic lighting system, it happens every night.
[Wanda and Officer Krulla try to laugh it off]
KRULLA: Uh, yeah, of course. Of course ... Now, look, everybody. Just stay put, stay down, alright? We're just gonna have to wait this out.
WISHBONE: Why are you whispering? I mean, come on, this is fun! Lots of company, lots of books, ha ha!
[the dog lies down on the floor]
WISHBONE: Only if it weren't for that awkward feeling that we're being ... watched.


[everyone is sitting in the dark, as Joe checks his watch]
JOE: What time is it?
ELLEN: Uh, it's almost midnight ... Y'know, I'm beginning to think our guest isn't coming. And I'd like to get the kids home, so--
[a noise off camera suddenly puts everyone on edge]
ELLEN: What was that?
KRULLA: That is what we call ... a noise.
SAM: It's coming from over there.
JOE: Someone's coming inside ...
KRULLA: Everybody get down.
WISHBONE: I'm down!
KRULLA: [whispers] Be quiet.
WISHBONE: [whispers] I'm quiet!
[Officer Krulla gets up to face the source of the noise]
WISHBONE: This is it. Here we are. About to come face to face with the mysterious stranger ...


[a figure can be seen lurking in the shadows, when a flashlight shines on him to reveal it's Mister Knutson]
KRULLA: [from off camera] Alright, don't move a muscle! We gotcha covered!
[the rest of the lights turn on, as Krulla and Wanda surround him]
WANDA: You heard him, buddy! Freeze! Don't move, I mean it! Not a muscle!
KRULLA: It's alright, Wanda ... he's not moving.
WANDA: What?
[he points at the man, standing perfectly still]
WANDA: [pause] Oh. Okay.
ELLEN: Ezra Knutson? The kids were right!
WISHBONE: Hmm, how come people are always surprised when kids and dogs are right?
ELLEN: Your wife wrote us that you died!
MR. KNUTSON: I wrote that letter, so you wouldn't suspect me.
DAVID: Why were you stealing your own books?
MR. KNUTSON: Because of this ...
[he reaches into his jacket pocket, causing Wanda to flinch]
KRULLA: Hold it right there!
MR. KNUTSON: I assure you, Officer, it's just a magazine ... See?
[he takes out another copy of the library monthly]
MR. KNUTSON: Do you have any idea what it feels like to see your life's work credited to someone else? I spent ten years making this index, and there's not one single mention of me in this article, not one. So, I came here to reclaim my books.
KRULLA: Well, I'm sure the judge will be happy to hear that, pal. Let's go ...
[he grabs him by the shoulder, but Ellen stops him]
ELLEN: No, wait! Mister Knutson, I didn't write that article, and I don't know how the author could've overlooked you, but come over to the computer and look at my program. Please?
[he walks over to the reference desk]
ELLEN: Okay, just have a seat.
MR. KNUTSON: Right here?
ELLEN: Mm-hmm.
[he sits down, and she boots up the computer]
ELLEN: Here's my computer ... Alright, just type in "index" and then press "Enter," and you'll get to my program.
MR. KNUTSON: Your program?
[he types on the computer, then reads the printout on the screen]
MR. KNUTSON: "Welcome to KnutsIndex, a computerized reference index based on the index system of Ezra Knutsen" ...
[he turns to her and smiles]
MR. KNUTSON: You gave me credit!
ELLEN: I'm one of your biggest fans!
MR. KNUTSON: I thought everyone had forgotten me and my work ... Thank you. I'm sorry I created such a disturbance, it was most inappropriate.
ELLEN: Oh, that's alright. I understand why you felt cheated.
MR. KNUTSON: Now, did you just enter the data, or did you take advantage of the advanced cross-referencing that these machines are capable of?
ELLEN: Well, I provided for searches by subject, region, and reference type.
MR. KNUTSON: How about date?
[cut to a closeup of Wishbone, as he rolls his eyes]
WISHBONE: Librarians ...
ELLEN: [from off camera] I never even thought of that, that's such a great idea!
[cut to Officer Krulla with an exasperated look on his face]
KRULLA: So, am I gonna arrest him?
JOE: I don't think so ...
[cut back to Wishbone, as he lies down on the floor]
WISHBONE: Well, that's just great! It's amazing how much better you can make someone feel just by showing them that you understand ...


[Ellen and Joe are having dinner with Mister Knutson, as Wishbone sits on the floor nearby]
MR. KNUTSON: That was wonderful!
ELLEN: Oh, thank you.
MR. KNUTSON: Thank you Ellen, and thank you Joe. You've been wonderful hosts!
ELLEN: Well, it was our pleasure.
MR. KNUTSON: But I must be returning to my wife, before she accidentally gets word of my death.
[she laughs, as they all get up and head for the door]
ELLEN: Well, I'm so glad that I had the chance to meet you.
JOE: And I'm glad you're not a ghost!
MR. KNUTSON: Well, if I was gonna come back to haunt something, I couldn't think of a better place than the library!
[she laughs]
ELLEN: Well, as soon as I'm finished entering your books, I'll send them right to Florida.
MR. KNUTSON: Why don't you just send me a copy on floppy disk? It's much more convenient ...
ELLEN: Alright, I will!
[she shakes his hand]
ELLEN: Well, take care Mister Knutson!
MR. KNUTSON: Bye Ellen!
[he shakes Joe's hand]
MR. KNUTSON: Goodbye, Joe!
JOE: Goodbye!
[he opens the door for him]
MR. KNUTSON: Thanks.
[he leaves, as Joe and Ellen head back for the kitchen]
JOE: Well mom, for a ghost, Mister Knutson's a pretty nice guy.
ELLEN: Yeah, I'm glad we have that mystery solved.
[they stop, then cut to the (empty) dinner table]
ELLEN: What happened to the rest of the roast?
JOE: Wishbone!
[the dog emerges from under the table, licking its chops]
WISHBONE: Urp, don't lookit me! This dining room must be haunted! Mmm ... Ellen, how 'bout a mint?



Pantin' at the Opera (Season 1, Episode 37)

After a magazine article is published praising Ellen's computerized library cataloging system, mysterious things begin to happen at the library reminding Wishbone of The Phantom of the Opera.

Larry Brantley ... Wishbone (voice)
Jordan Wall ... Joe Talbot
Christie Abbott ... Sam Kepler
Adam Springfield ... David Barnes
Mary Chris Wall ... Ellen Talbot
James N. Harrell ... Mr. Knutson (as James Harrell)



Wishbone is a television show which aired from 1995 to 1998 and reruns from 1998 to 2001 in the United States featuring a Jack Russell Terrier of the same name. The main character, the talking dog Wishbone, lives with his owner Joe Talbot in the fictional modern town of Oakdale, Texas. As he tends to daydream about being the lead character of stories from classic literature, drawing parallels between the stories and events in the lives of Joe and his friends, he was known as "the little dog with a big imagination". The show follows his daydreams, as Wishbone acts out a famous story from literature or folklore.

Wishbone: A well-read dog who sees parallels between classic literature and the dilemmas he and his human friends face every day. Wishbone is a male tri-color Jack Russell Terrier (white with brown and black markings), who lives with the Talbots at their home on Forest Avenue in Oakdale. In his normal contemporary life, none of the humans can hear Wishbone speak, though the audience can. He seems to be under the impression that humans would hear him if they just paid attention and he often bemoans the fact that they do not do so. In the classic literature stories he imagines himself in, humans can hear him and they apparently perceive him as a human. He is portrayed by "Soccer" the dog, his thoughts given voice by Larry Brantley.

Joe Talbot: Wishbone's teen-aged owner, the only child of Steve and Ellen Talbot. Joe has brown hair and a great interest in sports, particularly basketball. He is a player on the Sequoyah Middle School basketball team. His best friends are Samantha Kepler and David Barnes. His father Steve, a basketball coach, died from a rare blood disease when Joe was six years old. Portrayed by Jordan Wall.

Ellen Talbot: Joe's widowed mother, who, like him, has dark brown hair. She works as the reference librarian at Henderson Memorial Library in Oakdale. Portrayed by Mary Chris Wall.

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