Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Case Study No. 2016: Unnamed Female Librarian (Bored Shorts TV)

Kid Snippets: "Library" (Imagined by Kids)
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New Kid Snippets videos every MONDAY. If movies were written by our children... We asked a girl to be a librarian and her brother to pretend to go to the library. This is what they came up with.

Produced by Bored Shorts TV
Filmed and Edited by Ryan Haldeman
Brittni Smith
Brett Roberts
Ryan Haldeman

kids kid clean comedy funny video fun entertaining hilarious Joke Laugh laughing appropriate entertainment children family humor humour lip syncing sync lol random act acting out stories storytelling "written by a kid" child son daughter mom dad Parents Silly tell telling little young toddler actors actresses story told made up make boys girls youth "make up" writing fairy tale fiction voices creators original library book read books reading librarian school
Tags: kids kid clean comedy funny video fun entertaining hilarious Joke Laugh laughing appropriate entertainment children family humor humour lip syncing sync lol random act acting out stories storytelling written by a kid child son daughter mom dad Parents Silly tell telling little young toddler actors actresses story told made up make boys girls youth make up writing fairy tale fiction voices creators original library book read books reading librarian school
Added: 1 year ago
From: BoredShortsTV
Views: 1,041,591

[scene opens with an adult male patron pulling books off the shelf, then just tossing them to the floor]
[an adult female librarian (long brown hair, orange jacket, black blouse, black pants) enters the scene, then speaks to the patron (as her voice is switched out with that of a young toddler)]
LIBRARIAN: Can I help you?
[the patron continues throwing books to the floor (as his voice is also replaced with that of a toddler)]
PATRON: Yes, I'm looking for a book!
LIBRARIAN: Shh, this is a library. You have to be quiet. What book are you looking for?
PATRON: A one about ... dragons!
LIBRARIAN: Dragons. Hmm, let me see ...
[she looks around, then points off camera]
LIBRARIAN: Alright, it's just down this aisle here.
[cut to the librarian and patron walking up to a bookshelf]
LIBRARIAN: I'll let you choose a dragon book. What book do you want?
[he sighs]
LIBRARIAN: About dragons?
PATRON: I don't know!
LIBRARIAN: Shh, this is the librarian! You have to be quiet! Now which ... book do you want?
PATRON: What about a bus that has a gun on the side of it!
LIBRARIAN: You said you wanted dragons.
PATRON: I did not!
LIBRARIAN: Yes you did.
[she puts a finger to her lips]
LIBRARIAN: Now be quiet. I'll show you the aisle.
[cut to the librarian and patron walking up to another bookshelf]
LIBRARIAN: Here are books with buses and guns ... on the side of them.
[he pulls a book off the shelf, then smiles and yells in excitement]
PATRON: Thanks!
[she puts a finger to her lips and shushes him]
LIBRARIAN: Shh! You're welcome.
[she walks off, then cut to the patron sitting down and reading his copy of Marilyn Singer's "I'm Your Bus" (with a sticker of a gatling gun attached to the cover)]
PATRON: Cool! It's squishing a zombie!
[he looks over at another male patron sitting and reading a book, who just nods nervously]
PATRON: Then it landed on spikes, cool!
[cut to the librarian standing nearby, as she puts a finger to her lips and gently shushes him]
[cut back to the patron, with a confused look on his face]
PATRON: And then it landed on a house? What's that supposed to mean?
[he looks back at the other patron, who just puts a finger to his lips and angrily shushes him]
PATRON: A dragon?
[the patron looks up from his book and smiles, then cut back to the librarian who again shushes him]
[cut back to the patron]
PATRON: A zombie? A dragon and a zombie?
[cut back to the librarian, who again shushes him]
LIBRARIAN: Shh! Shh! Shh! Shhhhhh! This is a library!
[cut back to the patron, who holds up his book for the librarian to see]
PATRON: And a gun? And a laser?
[cut back to the librarian]
LIBRARIAN: If you do that one more time, you have to get out of the library without a book, okay?
[cut back to the patron]
PATRON: Okay! Okay!
[cut back to the librarian]
LIBRARIAN: [whispers] Be quiet ... shh!
[cut back to the patron]
PATRON: [whispers] Okay ...
[he gets up and walks over to the librarian]
PATRON: [whispers] Can I borrow this book?
LIBRARIAN: [whispers] Sure.
PATRON: Thank you!
[the patron smiles and walks away, as the librarian finally explodes]
LIBRARIAN: Be quiet!
[she covers her mouth in embarrasment, as the scene fades to black]

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