Monday, March 12, 2012

Case Study No. 0289: "Marlon Brando"

The Library
Demo for game, The Library.
Tags: library nintendo levi macdougall david dineen porter marlon brando game demo electricity books 1987
Added: 4 years ago
From: levimacdougall
Views: 1,124

Capcom Ltd. Promotional
Internal Use Only

"The Library"
System: NES
Game Demo
1987 Fall C.E.S.

[the game opens with the player (a nerdy looking male character) entering the library while grating chiptune music plays, then he stops as a digitized photograph of John McCain appears in a chair]
LIBRARIAN: Hello. I am Marlon Brando. Welcome to my library. Can you grasp the scope of the books at your disposal? If you can grasp the scope of the books, tap the "A" button quickly. Keep tapping to increasingly grasp the scope of the tomes in my vast and hand-written collection.
["500" appears over Brando]
LIBRARIAN: Yes. That is it. The emotions swell within me as I visualize books.
[the player turns and starts to leave]
[he quickly returns]
LIBRARIAN: As Marlon Brando once told me ... I am Marlon Brando. To imagine how powerful I am, tap the "A" button quickly.
["500" appears over Brando]
LIBRARIAN: Keep tapping the A button to imagine how powerful I am.
["500" appears several more times]
LIBRARIAN: You have imagined only "some" power. To imagine more power, tap the "B" button, followed by the "A" button, with this pattern ... "A A A B B A B B A BBB B B BBABBAA"--
[he talks faster and faster, until "Level 2" appears on screen]
LIBRARIAN: Level two! In the distance, a bird chirps, signalling the dawn of a new day, a new era in the life of Marlon Brando.
["-500" appears several times over the player]
[the screen goes blank, as "Time passes ... " appears on screen, then cut back to Marlon Brando sitting by himself as "Level 15" appears on screen]
LIBRARIAN: Level fifteen!
[the player returns and stands in front of Brando]
LIBRARIAN: Greetings, and welcome back to my library.
[a digitized image of a club sandwich suddenly appears and floats from the player to Brando]
LIBRARIAN: Well done.
["500" appears over Brando]
LIBRARIAN: Ew. Gross. Mustard.
["-500" appears over the player]
LIBRARIAN: Never mind, I'll pretend it's just yellow ketchup.
["500" appears over Brando]
LIBRARIAN: Game time. If you are inside the library, press the screen with the meaty part of your cheek.
[he pauses]
LIBRARIAN: Why do you hesitate? Do you fear me?
[the screen goes blank, as "Time passes ... " appears on screen, then cut back to Marlon Brando still talking as the player is lying on the floor]
LIBRARIAN: No no no. I'm not Al Pacino's real father. That was just for a movie I was in ... That's okay. It's a simple mistake to make. Pacino is a good guy. And even though my sperm fertilized his mother's egg, I am not his father. Imagine that he was not Al Pacino, but El Pachinos. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
["500" appears several times over Brando]
["Level 28" appears on screen]
LIBRARIAN: Level twenty eight!
[he pauses]
LIBRARIAN: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
["500" appears several times over Brando]
["Level 4 again" appears on screen]
LIBRARIAN: Level four again!
["The End" appears on screen]
[the player gets up]
LIBRARIAN: You win. I will sell the library.
[the player turns and starts to leave]
LIBRARIAN: But don't leave just yet.
[the player quickly returns]
LIBRARIAN: Do you know what I mean though? Seriously. You and I are really close friends now. We've bonded over this whole Al Pacino thing. Don't ever turn off this video game. I want to become part of your life. I want to become part of your body. If you spill the blood of something innocent, I will become a real Marlon Brando and we can shop together. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.
["Level 29: Brando becomes real" appears on screen]
LIBRARIAN: Level twenty nine! Brando becomes real!
[he pauses]
LIBRARIAN: Put your hand inside the Nintendo. Do you feel me licking your hand? Do not be afraid. My tongue is soft, is it not? Many of your predecessors were scared of this, but I think this can be our little secret. Don't tell anyone. Please. Please. Please.

Authored and Created by
David Dineen-Porter and Levi MacDougall



Levi MacDougall, David Dineen-Porter | Canada, 2007 | 4 minutes
A videogame that takes you into the library of Marlon Brando. Can you win? Can you survive? Can you be Brando's friend? Find out in this surrealistic journey through an 8-bit library of laughs.



The Library – Dir. Levi Macdougall & David Dineen Porter

I'm not even sure where to start with this one. It's just way, way out there and I thought it was freaking hilarious. It's supposed to be a trailer for a Nintendo game called The Library which never came out. Obviously it's a joke but I can't help but wish that this game had come out just so I could have played it! It's a great throwback to the days of Nintendo and may be the best use of Marlon Brando that I can think of. If you're up for something that makes no sense at all but will still make you laugh then check it out.

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