Monday, July 9, 2012

Case Study No. 0431: Ms. Brisco

Penelope Popper, Book Doctor (Book Trailer)
This charming book trailer features Penelope Popper who, despite her young age, longs to be a doctor. Not until her wise teacher and her savvy librarian join forces does she get the opportunity--as a book doctor who heals books that have been poorly treated.
Tags: libraries librarians school libraries books book care schools educational children's books book trailer picture book trailer book doctor
Added: 1 year ago
From: tonibuzzeo
Views: 273

Penelope Popper wanted to be a doctor.
She had a doctor bag.
She had a doctor coat.
She even had a doctor badge.
But not everyone liked Penelope's doctoring.
"Later, Penelope!"
"Not now, Penelope!"
"Stop it, Penelope!"
But with the help of her teacher, Mr. Hempel ...
And her librarian, Ms. Brisco ...
Penelope became a medical resident ...
In her library Book Hospital.
For every book damaged when a rule was broken ...
Penelope learned how to set things right ...
And finally ...
Penelope became a book doctor.

Reader's theater script and curriculum guide available at

Visit illustrator Jana Christy at

"Golden Pathway"
by Martyn Harvey



Paging Doctor Popper—Mistreated Library Books Need Help STAT!

Poor Penelope. She desperately wants to be a doctor. She has everything she needs—a lab coat, a medical bag and even an identification badge! But Penelope's friends are growing weary of her constant ministration, and one afternoon a discouraged Penelope finds herself without a patient in sight.

Fortunately Ms. Brisco, the librarian, knows just how to help. Over the next few days, Ms. Brisco introduces Penelope to a world of doctoring that she never imagined. In all corners of the library, there are books that need care. Some are smudged with dirt, some have torn or dog-eared pages and some are bent and crumpled. One has even been chewed! Penelope immediately turns her attention to learning how to mend mishandled books. She listens closely. She trains hard. And when the moment suddenly comes for her to save a “patient” all on her own, Penelope Popper, Book Doctor is ready! In this charming story about the importance of book care, one small girl rises to great heights as she learns to heal her library, one book at a time.

Grades K–3
32 pp.
By Toni Buzzeo
Illustrated by Jana Christy
ISBN 978-1-60213-054-8 2011



Narrator One: One Friday afternoon, Penelope was awfully discouraged.
Mr. Hempel: Go visit Ms. Brisco in the library, Penelope. Maybe she can help.
Narrator Two: Penelope packed up her doctor bag.
Narrator Three: She headed down to the library.
Penelope: Any new doctor books?
Ms. Brisco: I'm sorry, not today.
Narrator One: Penelope reached inside her doctor bag.
Penelope: Well, then, how's your heartbeat?
Ms. Brisco: Right as rain.
Narrator Two: Penelope slumped to the floor.
Ms. Brisco: Why Penelope! Shall I take your blood pressure?
Penelope: (sigh) No. I just want to be a doctor.
Ms. Brisco: What kind of doctor?
Narrator Three: Penelope gave her a puzzled look.
Narrator One: Ms. Brisco walked Penelope to the nonfiction shelves.
Ms. Brisco: There are many kinds of doctors. People doctors. Animal doctors.
Narrator Two: She pulled a very old and tired book from the shelf.
Ms. Brisco: And book doctors!
Narrator Three: Penelope's eyes opened wide.
Penelope: What do THEY do?
Ms. Brisco: I'll show you.
Narrator One: Penelope followed Ms. Brisco into a large back room.
Penelope: Wow! What's all this?
Ms. Brisco: Medical supplies.
Narrator Two: Ms. Brisco set to work repairing the dirty book and its torn pages.
Narrator Three: When her patient looked almost new, Ms. Brisco slipped it into a Book Care bag.
Ms. Brisco: THAT is what book doctors do!
Narrator One: Penelope borrowed some art supplies from Ms. Brisco and stayed long enough to make a fancy Book Hospital sign for the back room door.
Narrator Two: Then she skipped back to class with the patient.
Penelope: Look at this book!
Narrator Three: But no one did.
Narrator One: On Monday morning, Penelope scanned the shelves and found three books that needed a book doctor's attention.
Narrator Two: She stacked the dirty books on the circulation desk.
Ms. Brisco: Penelope, would you like to be my medical resident?
Penelope: What does a resident do?
Ms. Brisco: You'd learn to be a book doctor.
Penelope: Well, I have my doctor bag right here.
Narrator Three: Ms. Brisco sorted through the pile.
Ms. Brisco: Great. Do you remember the first rule of book care?
Penelope: Wash your hands before reading a book.
Ms. Brisco: As you can see. Some children have forgotten the rule.
Narrator One: In the Book Hospital, Ms. Brisco pulled a canister from the shelf and removed a damp wipe.
Ms. Brisco: Books can get sick when they're dirty.
Narrator Two: She carefully cleaned the cover and spine of the patient.
Penelope: Cleaning wipes for books!
Narrator Three: Penelope picked up the canister.
Penelope: I can do that!
Narrators One, Two, and Three: And she did.
Mr. Hempel: Back in our classroom, Penelope lugged the big classroom dictionary over to a table.
Jada: She removed a canister from her doctor bag, pulled on her medical gloves, and set to work.
Hunter: What are you doing Penelope?
Penelope: Practicing doctoring.
Narrator One: On Tuesday, Penelope handed Ms. Brisco two books, each with torn pages.
Penelope: Book Care Rule Two: Turn pages from the upper right hand corner.
Ms. Brisco: Quite right.
Narrator Two: Ms. Brisco handed Penelope a roll of nearly invisible book repair tape.
Ms. Brisco: This is a delicate procedure that only a book doctor or resident can perform.
Narrator Three: Penelope watched Ms. Brisco demonstrate.
Penelope: I can do that!
Narrators One, Two, and Three: And she did.
Hunter: Back in our classroom, Penelope laid the big classroom dictionary open on the table.
Mr. Hempel: Please give Penelope room to perform this delicate procedure.
Narrator One: Penelope gently smoothed the torn page.
Narrator Two: She matched up the torn edges until the letters on the page lined up perfectly.
Narrator Three: Then she carefully attached a strip of book repair tape on each side of the page.
Jada: Hey, it's like when the emergency room doctor stitched my forehead back together!
Narrator One: On Wednesday morning in the library, Penelope recited the third book care rule.
Penelope: Book Care Rule Three: Never dog-ear a page. Use a bookmark instead.
Ms. Brisco: Precisely.
Narrator Two: Ms. Brisco set Penelope to work making a big stack of Book Care bookmarks.
Ms. Brisco: Thanks for helping me spread the word. Dog-eared pages are a real problem.
Narrator Three: Penelope slipped the bookmarks into her doctor bag and settled down to browse through two books about veterinarians.
Narrator One: She was shocked to find a dog-eared page in each.
Narrator Two: And one of the dog-ears was about to fall off!
Narrator Three: She rushed to the Book Hospital and watched Ms. Brisco treat the first patient.
Penelope: I can do that!
Narrators One, Two, and Three: And she did.
Mr. Hempel: When Penelope got back to our class, she handed out the bookmarks to all of my students.
Penelope: Meet me at the operating table, and I'll show you why you need these.
Narrator One: She opened the dictionary to a dog-eared page and gently folded the corner back into place.
Narrator Two: Then she removed the backing from a corner-repair square.
Narrator Three: She carefully attached it to the page and smoothed it down.
Jada: Ruthie held up her finger.
Ruthie: It's like my splint.
Narrator One: On Thursday in the Book Hospital, Ms. Brisco handed Penelope a stack of plastic Book Care bags from the top shelf.
Penelope: Book Care Rule Four: Keep books safe from babies and pets.
Ms. Brisco: Unless students keep their books safe in these bags, there's no hope for some books.
Narrator Two: Penelope glanced at the patient on the table. Its top and bottom corners had been chewed and its pages were rippled and stuck together.
Penelope: (cry) We can't save it?
Narrator Three: Ms. Brisco shook her head.
Ms. Brisco: We can only try to replace it.
Mr. Hempel: In our classroom, Penelope handed out Book Care bags to each student.
Ruthie: What are you going to do to the dictionary today, Penelope?
Jada: But Penelope just shook her head sadly.
Penelope: Just promise me you'll use the bags.
Narrator One: On Friday, Penelope discovered a book someone had shoved carelessly around another book on the shelf.
Narrator Two: The pages of the first book were bent and crumpled.
Narrator Three: Penelope carried it carefully to the Book Hospital.
Penelope: Someone forgot the last book care rule: Use a shelf marker to hold your spot and then replace books carefully on the shelves. Can we help?
Narrator One: Ms. Brisco sighed.
Ms. Brisco: Maybe.
Narrator Two: She smoothed the pages gently.
Narrator Three: Penelope stepped forward.
Penelope: I can do that!
Narrators One, Two, and Three: And she did.

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